When it comes to targeting Black Marlin, most people think they need to travel all the way to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef to catch a glimpse of one of these apex predators… but let me tell you a little secret… Costa Rica has a GREAT black marlin fishery!!! and it's relatively untouched because most crews tend to target blue marlin and sailfish which are also very plentiful in Costa Rica.


When most people head out for a day of offshore fishing, they have visions of marlin, tuna, and dorado - which are surface feeders that are usually found no deeper than 100 feet of the ocean’s surface... But what if you drop your bait down to the bottom of the ocean? Follow along with Captain Ron and the crew of PELAGIC as they go deep dropping for grouper and you will find out exactly what's down there...


Book A Trip

For further information or to book now:

Email: ClubPelagic@gmail.com

Instagram: @ClubPelagic

Phone/text: (949) 677 4667